From Mentee to Mentor: Our Entrepreneurial Journey and Experience with SCORE
Have you struggled to find the right mentor for you and your business? Listen in as Sydney recounts how she connected with a mentor who not only understood her creative journey but also provided valuable guidance and support.
In this week’s episode of Leaf Nodes (now known as Entrepreneurs With Heart), Adria and Sydney discuss Sydney's experience with her first mentor from SCORE. They share their thoughts on the benefits of having a mentor and the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences with others. Here are the main topics discussed in the episode:
- Sydney's mentorship experience: Sydney shares her thoughts and takeaways from her mentorship call, including advice on improving her social media presence and website.
- The value of a mentor: Adria and Sydney emphasize the importance of having a mentor who can provide guidance and support on specific topics or challenges.
- Volunteering as a mentor: Adria highlights the opportunity for listeners to become mentors themselves through organizations like SCORE, emphasizing that everyone has valuable experiences to share.
- Changing the podcast title: Adria announces that the podcast will be changing its title to Entrepreneurs With Heart to create space for additional content and resources.
- Adria's new content creation journey: Adria shares her inspiration for creating long-form content and her plans to document her daily projects and experiences as a CEO.